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Horse Park Thursday -CANCELLED
Event Contact(s)
Suzanne Zander
502-382-6244 (c)
Registration Info
Registration is recommended
About this event
Primary ride leader: Suzi Zander, 502-382-6244
Additional ride leaders: Arnd Zander 502-382-8364 Rick Norris 859-954-8653
Distance: 25-40 miles depending on daylight and time of year
Pace: A/B Pace (16-18 mph), A Pace (18-20 mph) B pace (14-16 mph)
Terrain: 3 - Moderate Rollers
Cue sheet only
The ride will have regrouping
Rain cancels - check Ride Announcements Forum one hour before if unsure
There are no restroom facilities
There will not be a store stop
Overall Difficulty:
We're bringing back the original Horse Park ride from a few years ago, except we've had to move it to Thursday. Others are welcome but might not have a ride leader.