West 6th Brewery and the BCC
Invite You To Join Us For Pedaling for a Purpose 2025
- Featuring a 45 minute education session followed by group rides
- Participants earn points toward a free jersey or a discount on a jersey by attending sessions
- Each mile pedaled during the rides earns $0.40 for the charity of the day
We will offer traditional BCC group rides for all paces, with ride leaders, but you can also come, sign in, do your own thing, and have your miles count for our charity of the day.
The charities we will be supporting with our rides include: our five local NICA teams (youth mountain biking teams) located in Clark County, Fayette County, Madison County, Scott County, and Woodford/Franklin Counties, Bluegrass AMBUCS - an organization that provides specially adapted bikes for kids who need them, and Broke Spoke, our local community bike shop.
Each education session will feature a different speaker, and will begin 1 hour before the rides.
Ride Dates and Times:
All rides will begin from West 6th Brewery in Lexington except our "extra" ride at West 6th farm described at the end of our ride dates and times.
April 19 - 9:00 am
May 17 - 9:00 a.m.
June 14 - 9:00 a.m.
June 28 - 8:00 a.m.
July 12 - 8:00 a.m.
July 26 - 8:00 a.m.
August 9 - 8:00 a.m.
August 23 8:00 a.m.
September 13 - 9:00 a.m.
On Saturday, May 10 at 10 am we will be offering an extra session at West 6th Farm on Shadrick Ferry Road in Franklin County. Cyclists attending will receive points toward the jersey, however this event has not been included in our overall ride series when we calculated the points needed. In short, it presents an opportunity to ride some different roads and make up for a session you might be missing due to vacation or other obligations.
Program Purposes:
- To provide educational opportunities for people wanting to learn more about bikes and cycling
- To provide an opportunity for anyone who wants to ride a bike, whether with a group or not, to meet and mingle
- To support health and fitness related charitable organizations
- To mix and expand the various cycling communities that exist in our area
- To provide incentives for people to ride their bikes
- To introduce cycling to new populations
The Bike Part:
Rides start 1 hour after the education sessions begin and will feature various distances, experience levels, and paces. There will also be an option for people to come, sign in, and do an urban ride or ride on their own.
The Charity Part:
The maximum contribution to both AMBUCS and Broke Spoke is $1,400 along with $750 for each of the NICA teams, assuming enough miles are logged by participants. Contributions will be made jointly by BCC and West 6th.
Rider Rewards Part:
Riders will receive rewards at the end of the program based on participation points. 1 point will be awarded for each education session attended and 1 point for each ride attended for a total possible point total of 18 points.
Riders who have 12 or more points will receive a free jersey
Riders who have between 8 and 11 points will receive a $15 discount on purchasing a jersey
However a participant must have at least 2 points from both rides and education sessions (in other words, to earn a jersey, a participant must attend at least some of both)
There will be a party, celebration, jersey distribution and charity recognition/check delivery event in January of 2026!
For more information: https://www.facebook.com/westsixthpedalsandpintsbikeclub