Boonesboro Boogie
Location: Hall’s on the River, 1225 Athens Boonesboro Rd, Winchester, KY 40391 back parking lot
Primary ride leader: Doug Bagby, (859) 358-9854
Additional ride leaders: Eric Hutchens (859)595-2551, Don Cartwright (859) 749-7577
Distance: 18-20 miles
Pace: C Pace (10-12 mph), B/C Pace (12-14 mph), B Pace (14-16 mph)
Terrain: 1 - Mostly Flat
Map and cue sheet both
The ride will have regrouping, The ride is swept
Rain cancels - check Ride Announcements Forum one hour before if unsure.
Restroom facilities are available at the starting location.
There will not be a store stop.
Overall difficulty: Easy
An easy out and back ride with an optional hill. The flattest route on the BCC calendar (really, it follows the river). Great ride for beginners and people that are nervous riding around traffic, but watch out for the bridge troll!