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The Frankfort Crew

Date and Time

Monday, March 24, 2025, 6:00 PM


Various Locations in Frankfort, KY. See the Frankfort Crew
Facebook page the day of the ride.
Frankfort, KY  


Weekly Ride

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Primary ride leader: Troy Hearn, 859-967-8359 (c)
Additional ride leaders: Glenn Mitchell (502) 229-6170, Mike Harrod, Linda 
Word (502) 500-0154, Tom Hellman (502) 330-7338, Arnd Zander (502) 382-8364

Distance: Ride Distance varies by group and by time of year.  See Facebook 
post the day of the ride.
Pace: B/C Pace (12-14 mph), B Pace (14-16 mph), A/B Pace (16-18 mph), A 
Pace (18-20 mph)
Terrain: 2 - Easy Rollers, 3 - Moderate Rollers, 4 - Strenuous Rollers
Map and cue sheet both
The ride will have regrouping, The ride is swept
Rain cancels - check Ride Announcements Forum one hour before if unsure
Restroom facilities are available nearby
There will not be a store stop

Overall Difficulty:
Difficulty will vary by ride location, pace group and the time of year.  
Early season rides will generally be "Moderate" and will tend 
toward "Strenuous" as the season progresses.  The goal is for rides to be 
fun for all!

The Frankfort Crew Ride is designed to be a fun ride for cyclists of all 
levels of experience and fitness.  Riders are never left behind and alone.

New riders to this group are encouraged to arrive early and talk to Troy or 
Mitch to assure they find a pace group to their liking.

PLEASE NOTE that the Frankfort Crew moves the ride start location around to 
different areas of Frankfort several times over the year to keep it 
interesting!  Be sure to check the Frankfort Crew or BCC Facebook pages the 
day of the ride.

The Ride Leaders will typically post the routes there so riders can print 
them out, if needed, or load them to their phones or GPS devices.

Ride with GPS links are typically posted by the Ride Leaders on the 
Facebook pages.