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HomeCalendarWednesday Beat-the-Heat Russell Cave

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Wednesday Beat-the-Heat Russell Cave

Date and Time

Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 8:00 AM


Russell Cave Radio Transmitter - 1065 Russell Cave Road (1/2 mile north of Russell Cave Elementary)
1065 Russell Cave Road


Weekly Ride

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Primary ride leader: Richard Fern, 859-420-0126


Distance: 36 miles

Pace: B Pace (14-16 mph)

Terrain: 2 - Easy Rollers, 3 - Moderate Rollers Cue sheet only The ride will have regrouping Rain cancels - check Ride Announcements Forum one hour before if unsure

There are no restroom facilities

There will be a store stop


Overall Difficulty:

B pace (14 - 16 mph). Given the expected temperature, pace will be around 15. This is a moderate ride for both terrain and mileage.



Roundtrip to Leesburg, 36 miles.  Note the early start time based on the expected hot weather.  Many regroupings. Store stop mid-way in Leesburg.

