Primary ride leaders: Peggy Littrell, 859-338-7474 Tim Klesk , 859-552-4117
Additional ride leaders: Wanda Bertram 859-229-6255, Jacelyn Carfango, 859-327-5138, Dan Wells 859-361-5199
Distance: Options depending on the decision of the participants.
Trail only-16 miles
Additional routes will be added
Pace: B/C Pace (12-14 mph), B Pace (14-16 mph), A/B Pace (16-18 mph)
Terrain: 1 - Mostly Flat, 2 - Easy Rollers
Map only
The ride is swept
Rain cancels - check Ride Announcements Forum one hour before if unsure
Restroom facilities are available at the starting location. There will not be a store stop
Overall Difficulty:
Traditional Ride following CDC and KY Covid safety guidelines.
Start time is subject to change as the weather warms up.
This is an out and back ride on the Trail and rural roads.
The B/C group will be swept by the ride leader, but B and above will not.
A/B and A groups may be leaderless.
Maps at ride location.